
CLP Regulation *Webinar*

Webinar Description – CLP regulation

The focus of the webinar is on the Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation).

According to Article 45 of the CLP Regulation and as further specified in Annex VIII,importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures (meeting certain criteria) on the market, are responsible for complying with the requirements established in Annex VIII to the CLP. These duty holders are required to submit information as specified in the same Annex, that is relevant for formulating preventative and curative measures in the event of an emergency health response.

A company that imports a hazardous mixture into the European Union, is an importer and therefore, if they place the mixture on the market in one or more Member State, they have the obligation to submit the information required by Annex VIII in all the Member States where the mixture is placed on the market and in their national language. Companies importing mixtures from outside the EU must ensure that they have all the available information required for the submission of the harmonised information requirements.

As part of the harmonisation of information requirements, a unique alphanumeric code to be printed or affixed to the label was introduced as an additional means of identification of a mixture. This code, or UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) is a unique 16-digit alphanumeric code that unambiguously links the submitted information on a mixture (and hence information relevant for the treatment of patients) to a specific mixture placed on the market.

UFI: E600-30P1-S00Y-5079

Importers and downstream users placing on the market mixtures for consumer and professional use, shall comply with Annex VIII from 1 January 2021.

  • What is the CLP Regulation?
  • Obligations for importers and downstream users of mixtures
  • UFI Codes
  • Poison Centers requirements
  • Q&A
Who should attend

Companies placing certain hazardous mixtures on the market (i.e. that are classified as hazardous on the basis of their health or physical effects) and who are required to submit information relevant to poison centre activities.


Alena Pilváňová, CLP expert



Jan 31 2023


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM




Ekotox Training Secretariat
+421 (2) 4594 3712
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