ECHA/NR/20/43; Helsinki, 16 December 2020
36 % of checked treated articles were found to be non-compliant with labelling requirements under the Biocidal Products Regulation.
The first coordinated enforcement project on biocides (BEF-1) run by the BPR Subgroup of the Forum (BPRS) focused on checking obligations for treated articles in 2019.
National enforcement authorities in 22 Member States inspected almost 1 200 companies and checked more than 1 800 treated articles including clothing, paints, bedding and chemical mixtures. 73 % of the treated articles were produced in the EU.
In 36 % of cases, the quality of information provided on the labels of the treated articles was inadequate. For 42 % of articles and 23 % of mixtures, basic information, such as the name of the biocidal active substance used for treatment of the product was missing.