ECHA/NR/24/22 If your company is classified as micro, small, or medium-sized (SME), it’s essential to ensure that you’ve accurately stated your company size in REACH-IT during your substance registration. Incorrect declarations can lead to administrative charges. Helsinki, 10 September 2024 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is actively verifying the size of companies that have claimed SME status during their REACH…
Ecodesign has become an important tool for ensuring sustainable development aimed at reducing the negative impact of products on the environment throughout their life cycle. According to the new approaches, the regulation of sustainable products requires manufacturers to implement eco-design principles at all stages of the production process. This applies to both the individual components and the final products entering…
The Technical Regulation on Cosmetic Products is based on Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on Cosmetic Products, adopted on 30 November 2009. This regulation defines the requirements for the safety, quality and labeling of cosmetics entering the Ukrainian market, and in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 65 dated January 20, 2021, it enters into…
Ukraine has officially adopted the REACH regulation, marking a significant step in aligning its chemical safety standards with those of the European Union. This move requires companies operating in Ukraine to register their chemical substances, ensuring comprehensive information on the safety and use of these substances is available. Important Registration Deadlines: October 1, 2026: Substances at ≥1,000 t/a CMR substances…
ECHA/NR/24/20 Helsinki, 23 July 2024 – In accordance with new provisions confirmed by the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will now issue only one administrative charge for joint authorisation applications that include applicants with incorrectly declared company sizes. This policy applies even if multiple applicants falsely claim to be micro, small, or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The administrative charge will…
Revised version 1 July 2024 Pool definition: Pool 0 contains substances that are already included in the Registry of Intention (RoI) for restrictions1 or where the Commission has requested ECHA to prepare a restriction dossier. Restriction dossiers that have already been submitted are not included in pool 0 but are listed in Appendix 1. Pool 0 – ECHA…
ECHA/NR/24/19 The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC) now contains 241 entries for chemicals that can harm people or the environment. Companies are responsible for managing the risks of these chemicals and giving customers and consumers information on their safe use. Helsinki, 27 June 2024 – The newly added chemical, bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide, is toxic for reproduction and is…
ECHA/NR/24/18 ECHA’s Enforcement Forum agreed to a new EU-wide project to check that hazardous mixtures present in products, such as air fresheners or electronic cigarettes, are classified, labelled and packaged correctly to protect consumers and children from chemical hazards. Helsinki, 17 June 2024 – The objective of the checks in the new REF-14 project is to protect human health by enforcing…
We encourage you to read the current issue of EkotoxInfo news. In the summary of resent developments in the area of chemicals legislation and management you will find the following topics: Nanomaterials in cosmetic products Extension of EU’s review of biocidal active substances Revision of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive The essential use concept in EU legislation dealing with chemicals Restriction on the manufacture,…
PFASs are, or ultimately transform into, persistent substances, leading to irreversible environmental exposure and accumulation. Due to their water solubility and mobility, contamination of surface, ground- and drinking water and soil has occurred in the EU. One of the major societal concerns is the irreversibility of contamination, together with endocrine disrupting effects, carcinogenicity, toxicity to reproduction, effects on immune system and…