EU SDS Compliance *Webinar*
EU SDS Compliance Webinar Description
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is intended to communicate the hazards of chemical products meeting the GHS classification criteria and provide users with important information regarding how they can protect themselves.
Safety Data Sheets in EU member states need to be in compliance with CLP and REACH regulations + national requirements of each EU member state where the substance or mixture is intended to be on the market..
New regulation start 2023 – Regulation No 2020/878
Companies who manufacture or import chemical products are obligated to ensure those products are properly classified and an SDS compliant for the jurisdiction of interest is provided to the down-stream user. In many countries, the obligation to provide SDS is limited to hazardous chemical products used in workplaces; however, there is a growing trend for retail establishments to request SDS for all products, such as cosmetics, and articles, even though they may be exempt.
Learn the importance of the updated Safety Data Sheets (SDS) format and how it can make it easier to maintain all of your hazardous substances and mixtures.
The Enforcement Forum Will Control SDS Quality in 2023
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) content and quality of information will be controlled as a part of the EU-wide enforcement project (REF-11) in 2023.
- EU REACH SDS template
- Obligations to provide and understand SDS 2023
- SDS Management Tips
- IT tools
Who should attend
Anyone with a responsibility for and/or interest in placing substances and mixtures on EU market including:
- Producers and Importers into EU
- Only Representatives
- Non-EU companies
- Downstream Users
PaedDr. Alena Pilvanova, REACH, BPR and CLP expert
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Safety data sheets
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