The European Commission has published six new legal acts under the Drinking Water Directive. These set out the framework for minimum hygiene requirements for materials and for the certification of products that come in contact with our drinking water.

This new regulatory framework includes:

European positive lists of starting substances, compositions and. constituents that are authorised for use in the manufacturing materials in contact with drinking water.
Risk assessment methodologies and information requirements for reviewing starting substances, compositions and constituents that could be added to the positive lists.
Administrative procedures for updating the positive lists.

At the end of 2025, economic operators and national authorities can start notifying ECHA. of their intentions to propose modifications to the European positive lists. From the end of 2026, they can start submitting to ECHA their applications to add new entries and to amend or remove existing entries from the European positive lists.

The European positive lists:

Ekotox Chemicals Management Website:

REACH Conference 2024: REACH Conference 2024 – Ekotox Training