EkotoxInfo 5/2022

We encourage you to read the current news of EkotoxInfo chemical news. In the summary of last month you will find the following topics:

  1. ATP-18 to the CLP Regulation
  2. Company size verifications and corrections in REACH-IT
  3. Next version of EuPCS
  4. New consultations for applications for authorisation
  5. Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling
  6. Committee meetings in May/June
  7. News concerning the approval of plant protection products

    ATP-18 to the CLP Regulation

On May 3, 2022, the European Union (EU) issued Regulation (EU) 2022/692 to amend Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 on Classification, Labeling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP). The revision: adds 39 new entries, replaces 17 entries, deletes 1,5-naphthylene diisocyanate. According to ATP-18, it will enter into force on May 23, 2022.


Company size corrections in REACH-IT

ECHA is continually initiating new verifications on the size of companies who have declared they are an SME at the time of their REACH registration. If the company realised that the company size in REACH-IT were declared incorrectly, there were short period of time to make a corrections. Such information had to be provided to ECHA via e-mail: sme-verification(at)echa.europa.eu by 31 May 2022. Administrative charge in case of wrong company size claimed is up to EUR 19 900. Ekotox Centers can help you if you need help with your REACH-IT data and dossier management.


Next version of EuPCS

The next version of the European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS) is planned for April 2023. Ahead of its release, ECHA was launching a survey to collect feedback on how it could be improved which was open until 18 May. The previous EuPCS vol. 2 has been updated with changes for e-liquids, medical devices, alloys, and pyrotechnic products. Companies can use the EuPCS to describe the main intended use for their mixtures when preparing their notifications in Poison Center system.


 New consultations for applications for authorisation

ECHA have launched a consultation on 13 applications for authorisation covering 16 uses of:

  • chromium trioxide (EC 215-607-8, CAS 1333-82-0) used for etching and electroplating of plastics, in functional chrome plating, and in decorative/functional plating; and

trixylyl phosphate (EC 246-677-8, CAS 25155-23-1) used in closed systems as a hydraulic fluid.

The consultation will be open until July 13 and you can submit your comments on the ECHA website.


Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling

ECHA proposed 3 new harmonised classification and labelling. The deadline for comments is 15 July 2022.

  • N-1-naphthylaniline; N-phenylnaphthalen-1-amine (EC 201-983-0, CAS 90-30-2);
  • Dinitrogen oxide (EC 233-032-0, CAS 10024-97-2);
  • tetraphosphorus trisulphide; phosphorus sesquisulphide (EC 215-245-0, CAS 1314-85-8).

Harmonised classification and labelling consultations – ECHA (europa.eu)

Committee meetings in May/June

The agendas of the upcoming meetings of ECHA’s scientific committees are available online:

  • Committee for Risk Assessment will meet onsite in Helsinki on 30 May – 3 June 2022;
  • Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis will have a hybrid meeting on 31 May – 3 June and 7-8 June 2022; and
  • Biocidal Products Committee will meet online on 8-9 and 14-16 June 2022.

News concerning the approval of plant protection products

For the active substance bifenazate, the approval is extended until 30 June 2037 subject to the following conditions: only authorised for use on non-edible crops in permanent greenhouses. Conditions of use must include risk mitigation measures where appropriate.

(COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/698) link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-ontent/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R0698&qid=1623758506160&from=EN

For the active substance bispyribac, the period of approval was shortened to 31 July 2022. This was due to the withdrawal of the application for renewal of the approval.

(COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/808) link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-ontent/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R0808&qid=1623758506160&from=EN

For the active substances paraffin oils (CAS 64742-46-7, CAS 72623-86-0, CAS 97862-82-3) the conditions of use have been extended. Currently paraffin oils can be used as insecticides, acaricides and fungicides. Risk mitigation measures must be included in the conditions of use, as appropriate.

(COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/800) link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-ontent/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R0800&qid=1623758506160&from=EN

The active substance 1,3-dichloropropene is not currently approved as a plant protection product due to insufficient data to assess the risk to consumers, operators, workers, residents and concerns have been substantiated for groundwater, non-target arthropods (including bees), birds and mammals and soil organisms.

(COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/740) link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-ontent/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R0740&qid=1623758506160&from=EN