35 events found.
Latest Past Events
Towards faster regulatory action: ECHA’s approach to assessing chemicals in groups
The webinar further explains our approach to these assessments, upcoming improvements for how we inform registrants about published assessments of regulatory needs for their substances, and how you can react in case your substance is addressed in a group assessment.
Future of ECHA’s submission systems
ECHA webinar Future of ECHA’s submission systems. These systems allow companies to comply with their obligations under REACH, CLP, PIC, the Biocidal Products Regulation, and the Waste Framework Directive.
REACH restriction of hazardous substances in tattoo inks and permanent make-up
Webinar to address technical questions that industry, such as ink formulators and tattoo artists, might have on the implementation of the restriction. The aim is to help those impacted to meet the new legal requirements set by Annex XVII of the EU’s chemicals legislation, REACH.