EU Risk Assessment of chemicals *Webinar*
Webinar Description – Risk Assessment
For the registration of chemicals under EU REACH regulation registrants are obliged to compile information on uses, hazards and risks in order to demonstrate safe use of the substance.
Risk assessment of chemicals under the EU chemicals legislation REACH consists of three components: – hazard identification, exposure assessment and the risk assessment (characterisation).
If manufacturing or importing more than 10 tonnes per year, you need to carry out the chemical safety assessment (CSA) and record it in a chemical safety report (CSR).
For effects with a toxicological threshold (derived no effect levels (DNELs) or predicted no effect concentration (PNECs)), you need to compare the quantitative exposure estimates with the thresholds. In practice, this is done by dividing the exposure level (or concentration) by the effect level (or concentration). This leads to the ‘risk characterisation ratio’ (RCR). You need to ensure that, for each relevant use and separate assessment, each RCR is below 1, i.e. the level of exposure is lower than the threshold level.
If an RCR is close to, or above 1, you need to iterate your assessment: either by refining the information on the substance’s properties or by amending the recommended operational conditions and/or risk management measures.
- REACH „Chemicals Risk Assessment“ overview / Chemical Safety Report
- Hazard assessment
- Exposure assessment
- Risk characterisation (DNEL, PNEC…)
- Data sharing / availability
Who should attend
Anyone with a responsibility for and/or interest in placing chemicals on EU market.
PaedDr. Martin Murin, REACH expert