EU REACH Registration – proposed changes
Proposed changes to the EU REACH Registration requirements and implementation of a MAF factor
EU REACH Regulation Reform Web Meeting
WEB MEETING 3h, 26 April, 9:00 – 12:00
20th of January the European Commission launched a public consultation on the revision of the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The revision will aim to align the EU chemical rules with the Commission’s ambition for safe and sustainable chemicals and a high level of protection of health and the environment, while preserving the internal market. The planned REACH revision is one of the actions announced in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
In the October 2020 Commission Staff document reference was made to the need to progress the assessment and management of the cumulative risk of unintentional mixtures by introducing a Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF) in chemicals regulation (REACH). The MAF would aim to allow demonstrating the safe use of a chemical knowing that humans and the environment are exposed to a multitude of often unknown chemicals which could result in a combined effect. An ongoing impact assessment study from the European Commission is investigation what MAF factor level would be appropriate, if one or more MAF factors would be relevant and how to apply it. The MAF factor will be introduced under the REACH reform on which a technical proposal is expected by the end of 2022. The MAF factor may for some chemicals not being an issue, for others it may be a very important issue requiring to refine effects and exposure assessments in the REACH registration files; a process that takes time and effort. Today we aim at presenting how the Commission would like to introduce the MAF factor, contributions from countries that would help defining what MAF factor level would be appropriate and industry examples on how the introduction can be anticipated. A most interesting theme so for registrants that like to plan for this major upcoming challenge..
The Web Meeting “EU REACH Registration changes covering” is to present state-of-the art of the proposals and the views of stakeholders.This takes the possibility to listen and discuss the proposals and discuss different aspects of concrete proposals. All interested parties are adviced to make comments through public consultation available on the Commission webpages: https://ec.europa.eu/environment/news/chemicals-commission-seeks-views-revision-reach-eus-chemicals-legislation-2022-01-20_en
Main topics of the webinar:
- new information requirements in the EU REACH registration process;
- more information requirements on use and exposure;
- Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF).
Webinar opening
* Introduction on EU REACH Registration reform plans – information requirements, uses and exposure
Position: European Commission: Ms. Katrin Schutte; Mr. Finn Pedersen
Position of the European Industry:
* Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF)
“Analysis of cumulative risks of unintentional mixtures calculated from European freshwater monitoring data (NORMAN database)”: Mr. Emiel Rorije (RIVM, the Netherlands)
Comments to MAF: Mr. Richard Luit (RIVM, the Netherlands)
Eurometaux on MAF: Mr. Hugo WAETERSCHOOT
Panel Discussion