Future of ECHA’s submission systems
Future of ECHA’s submission systems Webinar
These systems allow companies to comply with their obligations under REACH, CLP, PIC, the Biocidal Products Regulation, and the Waste Framework Directive.
We are building a unified portal for industry, centralising interactions between duty holders across various regulatory frameworks.
Timing | Title | Speaker |
11:00 | Introduction: Why a new approach? | Javier Sanchez Saez, ECHA |
11:15 | Future of ECHA submission systems | Vasileios Tsifoutis, ECHA |
11:35 | Next steps and conclusions | Daniele Ape, ECHA |
11:00 – 12:30 | Webinar open for questions |
ECHA Webinar link: https://echa.europa.eu/sk/-/the-future-of-echa-s-submission-systems