Exposure scenario *Webinar*
90,00.- €

Started on 2021-11-25 1h 30min

Webinar Description

Extended Safety Data Sheets (eSDS) provide users of chemicals with the necessary information to help them protect human health and the environment.

On the workplace Exposure Scenario represents additional conditions for safe use. SDS (eSDS) is a binding document. Time is tikking to get into compliance with the requirements defined in the exposure scenario.

A REACH registrant prepares a chemical safety assessment with an exposure assessment as part of the registration process, for substances registered in quantities above 10 tonnes per year and with certain hazardous properties. As part of this assessment, registrants develop exposure scenarios for the uses of the substance that are identified. When they supply the substance, they provide relevant exposure scenarios to downstream users. Exposure scenarios describe the operational conditions and risk management measures to adequately control the risks to human health and the environment.

Exposure scenarios cover the entire life cycle of the substance, including formulation, industrial and professional end-use, consumer use and use in articles.

Suppliers of hazardous mixtures should communicate the relevant information from the exposure scenarios of the ingredient substances with the safety data sheet for the mixture.

The webinar is focused on the basics to understand and manage the information provided by the eSDS.


  • What is the extended Safety Data Sheet and Exposure Scenario?
  • Key areas to be covered
  • Consequences for downstream users
  • Scaling of exposure scenarios
  • Q&A

Who should attend

Companies placing certain hazardous substances / mixtures on the market (i.e. that are classified as hazardous and registered in tonnage band over 10 t/a) and downstream users.

Facility managers, safety managers, environmantal specialists.

PaedDr. Martin Murin, REACH expert

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