
EU Reform of „the authorisation and restrictions“ system

EU REACH Regulation Reform Webinar

WEB MEETING 2h, May 24, 9:00 – 11:00


EU chemicals legislation reform 2022; EU REACH Authorisation; EU REACH Restrictions

20th of January the European Commission launched a public consultation on the revision of the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The revision will aim to align the EU chemical rules with the Commission’s ambition for safe and sustainable chemicals and a high level of protection of health and the environment, while preserving the internal market. The planned REACH revision is one of the actions announced in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

The REACH revision entails a series of important new proposals to amend the REACH regulation. One of these proposals related to the Risk Management system in place. Currently, Authorisation and Restriction are coexisting with a Generic Risk Approach to management risk related to Chemicals.

The outcome of the REACH refit clearly demonstrated the weaknesses of the system which is considered as lacking of efficiency and transparency. The European Commission is currently assessing the different options to ensure a more efficient but also a quicker risk management system to address risks related to chemicals including also a series of new concept like Essential Use and Safe Use of Chemicals. The reform of both processes (authorisation and restrictions) will also have an impact on the competitiveness of EU businesses.

To know more about the revision of this critical parts of EU REACH legislation, please join our webinar on May 24, 2022.

The Webinar Reform of „the authorisation and restrictions“ system is to present state-of-the art of the proposals and the views of stakeholders. This takes the possibility to listen and discuss different aspects of presented proposals and views of different stakeholders.

All interested parties are adviced to make comments through public consultation available on the Commission webpages:



Position European Commission:  Mr. Otto LinherMr. Finn Pedersen

Position EU industry:

EPMF (European Precious Metals Federation):  Ms. France Capon




May 24 2022


9:00 AM - 11:00 AM




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